To remove unwanted hair, lasers employ a powerful beam of light to target the melanin (colour) in the hair follicle, destroying the root and cutting off the blood supply to the hair follicle.
You will notice a tingling sensation in the treated region, which is caused by the heat reaching the hair follicles.
Cooling air flows from a cooling system linked to the laser, which reduces the discomfort of the session to your preferred temperature. Immediately after your treatment, you may experience some mild redness and small bumps. To alleviate this, use aloe vera gel as often as necessary (aloe vera gel is available in each treatment room).
For book an appointment 20% non-refundable booking fee of your treatment price is required.
Deposits will be redeemable against any treatment on the day.
Acute infections
Pregnancy or lactation
Diabetes mellitus – poorly controlled (blood glucose exceeds 10 mmol/litre on most days or HBA1C >6 within last 3 months)
Chronic skin diseases in acute stage, psoriasis (progressive stage)
Untreated cancer of the skin or of an organ. Suspicious moles.
Immunosuppression (HIV, drugs with immunosuppressive effect)
Inflammation in the area of treatment
Mental disorders and unrealistic expectations
Use of Roaccutane at any time within the last 6 months (due to danger of keloid formation)
Reinforcement of face with any kind of threads (in the area of treatment) (in case of absorbable threads the doctor makes the decision)
Fitted pacemaker
Permanent fillers in the treatment area
If the patient received steroids, the treatment must be coordinated with the primary care provider and the patient must be warned of the possible result
Autoimmune disorders in active stage
Tendency to abnormal scarring or hyperpigmentation
Your doctor may discuss other contraindications with you based on your medical history.
Lounge Trieze 13 Handley Arcade Toothill Lane Mansfield NG18 1NQ
+44 7938 726546
We specialize in a broad variety of services, from aesthetic medicine treatments to healthy vitamin drips.